Check Certification Status

CaptionCall Mobile is part of an FCC program to provide captioned phone service to help people with hearing loss, and all CaptionCall registrants must self-certify that they are eligible to use captioned phone service.

To check your self-certification status, please enter the email address that you used when you signed up for CaptionCall Mobile, or as it was previously known, Olelo Captioned Calls:

Please enter a valid email address
Working ...

Hang on while we look up your account ...

Thanks for your patience!

Not Found!

Sorry, we were unable to find your account information ...

Please contact for further assistance.

You're all set!

We've checked our records and your CaptionCall Mobile eligibility is up-to-date.

Thanks for using CaptionCall Mobile, and Happy Calling!

- The CaptionCall Team
An error occurred

There was a problem looking up your account.

Please try again, or reach out to us at

- The CaptionCall Team
Check your email!

If your email address matches our records, we've sent you an email with a link to self-certify your eligibility to use CaptionCall Mobile.

If you can't find the email we sent, please check your Junk, Spam, or Promotions folders, or email for further assistance.

Thanks for using CaptionCall Mobile, and Happy Calling!

- The CaptionCall Team